Saturday, 31 January 2009

Hebask, Shebask, Youbask, Webask...

I have set up an "ALT": Hebask Falconer was born yesterday, and his job in SL is to be "financer" of the Cornwall College Island. He'll be a premium account avatar and all financial and land-buying stuff will go through him, meaning that he'll be little more than a cipher: an account and a ways to a means rather than a resident. I've taken him out for a spin and found some odd stuff happening:

  • I mean, for a start, he's a he. Why I decided to go trans-gender I don't know. He's a 7 foot tall elven warrior too.
    As a result I am, as ever, concerned about my mental well-being
  • I went to MUVEnation Island and felt like a trespasser, so got all worried that I'd be booted off.
  • I "IMd" Bex Mavendorf to befriend her / me and thought I may be suffering from virtual schizophrenia. See second bullet point
  • I'm connecting with him and am not sure whether I'm happy for him to just be a virtual standing order. He's started collecting outfits, I'm tweaking his appearance and he's made a few friends. I want to get a beard and some chest hair. May I refer you again to the second bullet point.

Happy Birthday Hebask!

Saturday, 24 January 2009

Going to workshops...and doing some secret squirrel Second Life

"You can take the teacher trainer out of the classroom but you can't take the classroom out of the teacher trainer.", to paraphrase someone. Anyhow, just done the first of two workshops and am about to do the next one, but thought I'd do a write up while it was still fresh.

Interactive Role Play delivered by Shannon Yambushi at the Learning Experience Lodge was my first experience of being a SL student. I found that I didn't fill in the analysis grid issued on MUVEnation moodle until after the event, and to be honest, only paid lip service to it, preferring instead to write garbled notes as I went and concentrate on what was a really intersting workshop. As a big part of my job involves observing teachers, I went into default mode and found myself thinking things like: "Stop facing the chalkboard and turning your back on the group....and what are you using something as real life as a chalk board anyway? Can't you write on a giant fish with a sparkler instead of chalk or something? Mmmm....really welcoming, stimulating environment....well measured pace in the main-bit rushed in places...informal and formative assessment could see that individuals learnt by asking them to try out the gestures you'd instructed them to make didn't, however, mention any progression to further or higher-level sessions....grade 3 I think, but nearly a grade 2..."

So we looked at the concept of role playing (as opposed to RPGs) in SL and concepts such as OOC (Out Of Character), IC (In Character) and the 733t / SMS (Short Messaging System). I was surprised to find that in PG areas it is fine to maim, injur, kill, bleed / make bleed / rip limbs off and generally be as violent as you long as there is no nudity. Bit like RL then - we'll be happy to watch films like Hostel, SAW, Cannibal Clowns from Outer Space etc...but get your bits out and you face the wrath of Mary Whitehouse. Or the ghost of Mary Whitehouse. Or a legion of Daily Mail readers. Or something.

I learnt about "Godmodelling" (where you force your RP playmates to feel something that is,n't their choice: "Bob kisses Bill and Bill feels all tingly inside"), interpretive, narrative and expressive role play, the etiquette of RP ("uh - okay - I'm not enjoying this anymore, so I'll be off now) and, most usefully, how to create and use gestures ("Bex Mavendorf smiles whilst wondering when dinner will arrive"). I also learnt that by creating subfolders within the "Calling Cards" areas of my inventory, I can create specific groups and hold conference calls / chats. Very useful stuff.

After the workshop had finished I asked Shannon what she considered to be the most important aspect of running workshops, (as per MUVENation instructions) and she was really happy to chat, answered in detail, and became a new SL friend:

[2009/01/24 8:55] Bex Mavendorf: I want to run some classes in sl, so could youm tell me what you think is the most important part of delivering a successful workshop - this one was really good, BTW![2009/01/24 8:55] Shannon Yamabushi (busy response): I am Teaching a clas right now I see your IM and will repond but takes a little effert to do a class on rolepalying. please help me and give me am oment to finish class then I can be there. [2009/01/24 9:00] Shannon Yamabushi: OH thank you![2009/01/24 9:01] Shannon Yamabushi: I can after class sure[2009/01/24 9:16] Shannon Yamabushi: one make a plan on the order you present it[2009/01/24 9:16] Shannon Yamabushi: two use props like black board or tools to show what your tlaking about[2009/01/24 9:16] Shannon Yamabushi: three set a time limit and ask questions after each part[2009/01/24 9:17] Shannon Yamabushi: as if there are any questions[2009/01/24 9:17] Shannon Yamabushi: then sumerise at end askign if there are questions again[2009/01/24 9:17] Shannon Yamabushi: endo f class for you revue and evaluate what you did and what you might havem issed to get your point out and what worked[2009/01/24 9:17] Shannon Yamabushi: reqrite and do it all over again next class[2009/01/24 9:17] Shannon Yamabushi: reqwrite[2009/01/24 9:18] Bex Mavendorf: very much like teaching in RL then![2009/01/24 9:18] Shannon Yamabushi: Yep[2009/01/24 9:18] Shannon Yamabushi: I had a actress in my class I Can't tel lyou who. promised but said this is exactly like perfomring but more live like on stage[2009/01/24 9:19] Bex Mavendorf: i can see thet - teaching and acting are similar...only teachers don't get paid as much!!![2009/01/24 9:19] Shannon Yamabushi: yeah -_- buttips are always nice ^_^[2009/01/24 9:20] Shannon Yamabushi is Online[2009/01/24 9:20] Bex Mavendorf: thanks shannon - i have no linden dollars but promise to get some and leave a tip - you have really earnt it!-- Instant message logging enabled --

The second workshop I attended was the very hands-on Valentine Garden Bench session at Rockliffe University. I really enjoyed this - all the group members got to make a bench following step-by-step instructions in a very well designed wprkshop / classroom area. Materials were given to all group members including textures, posing balls and a notecard at the end of the session re-iterating the instructions required to make the bench. I got chatting to the tutor who had delivered the session, again, as per course instructions...and am now going to see how Cornwall College and Rockliffe University can make links within the wolds of HE and Teacher Education in SL:

[11:43] Bex Mavendorf: do you have any tips foir a successful workshop? I'm about to buy an island for my college so any tips would be useful![11:43] Physicist Oh: oh thats quite a question[11:44] Physicist Oh: what do you plan to do withit at the college[11:44] Bex Mavendorf: its for our higher education and teacher training departments[11:45] Physicist Oh: Isee, Rockcliffe does some collaborative work with rl colleges[11:45] Physicist Oh: that is one area of interest to us[11:45] Bex Mavendorf: in the UK?[11:46] Physicist Oh: I'm not sure just what links we have, i'm more invlolved in diong the workshops like this one'[11:46] Bex Mavendorf: i want to trach teachers how to use SL to deliver their lessonsa[11:46] Bex Mavendorf: but rezzing is a part of what i want them to learn[11:47] Physicist Oh: you might want to contact the head of our school, Phelan Corrimal[11:47] Bex Mavendorf: cool![11:48] Bex Mavendorf: sorry to throw all these questions at you[11:48] Physicist Oh: We may be able to do some workshops for you, but i don't know for sure[11:48] Physicist Oh: no, thats perfectly ok[11:48] Physicist Oh: he might give you some tips on setting up your sim also[11:48] Bex Mavendorf: cool - we have an architect and money to buy a region[11:49] Physicist Oh: thats great, what school is it[11:49] Bex Mavendorf: i'm investigating in world workshops to see hoe they are run[11:49] Bex Mavendorf: yours was the best so far[11:49] Physicist Oh: thanks[11:49] Physicist Oh: i teach rl too, so i tend to be organized lol[11:49] Bex Mavendorf: it's Cornwall College - we are linked to University of Plymouth[11:50] Bex Mavendorf: i work in the teacher education department[11:50] Physicist Oh: brb, let me get notes out[11:50] Bex Mavendorf: you should get back to your group[11:50] Bex Mavendorf: sorry to take up so much of your time![11:51] Physicist Oh is Online[11:52] Physicist Oh: its ok, i think everyone is doing ok :)[11:53] Bex Mavendorf: everyone did as they were meant to - so your teaching methods are obviously successful[11:53] Physicist Oh: I think Phelan could be a big help to you, he is on quite often. And if its ok i'll drop him a copy of our chat[11:54] Physicist Oh: I try to be pretty detailed, and make sure everyone is at the same place[11:54] Bex Mavendorf: that'd be cool. my head of department is bascule twine - it'd be worth chatting to him too[11:54] Physicist Oh: ok, and he's free to im me also[11:54] Physicist Oh: what do you teach at the college?[11:54] Bex Mavendorf: ditto![11:55] Bex Mavendorf: teacher education - but I'm also the closest the department's got to a learning technologist[11:55] Physicist Oh: jack of all trades[11:55] Bex Mavendorf: hence me being the one who will look after an island here![11:55] Bex Mavendorf: yup - master of none!!![11:55] Physicist Oh: haha[11:56] Physicist Oh: well, if you mastered all this it would just be time to start on mastering something new[11:56] Bex Mavendorf: do you run any other rezzing sessions?[11:56] Bex Mavendorf: lol[11:56] Physicist Oh: i have quite a few, and my colleague is doing an intro series, she has a class here at noon, you might want to drop in on[11:57] Bex Mavendorf: noon SL time?[11:57] Physicist Oh: yes, just noticed, it starts in a few minute[11:57] Bex Mavendorf: better go leave her to it then![11:57] Physicist Oh: in a different classroom[11:57] Physicist Oh: i can go and tp you to it if you wish[11:57] Bex Mavendorf: that'd be good![11:58] Physicist Oh: ok, pick up your bench and i'll head there[11:58] Bex Mavendorf: cool[11:59] Physicist Oh is Offline[11:59] Physicist Oh is Online[12:01] Physicist Oh: bex, i crashed before i got a chance to copy our chat, can you make me a copy[12:02] Bex Mavendorf: no probs![12:07] Bex Mavendorf: this should copy the conversation to you...

So , I genuinely enjoyed both sessions, made more friends, learnt a bit about how to (and maybe how not to ) run workshops on just need to think of a subject to run my own workshop about, and hope it can be half as good as these were.

Sunday, 11 January 2009

The Ice House

Here is Bex's Ice House, what I did make all by my own self. I'm pretty chuffed with it, but am having some issues. I've rezzed a door, added a script so that it opens when touched and added it to the house...but if I link the door prim to the rest of the house, when I open the door the whole house swings around and the door stays where it is - which gains me access, in an arse about face kind of way, but is a bit like the proverbial tail wagging the dog. It works if I don't link the door prim to the buliding, but that's just bloody useless! I can't keep dragging the door out of my inventory and re-positioning it every time I bring out the house! Grrrrrr. So how can prims do their own thing as separate entities and keep doing what they're scripted to do even when linked?

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Bex's Rezidence

I rezzed my first serious bit of primmage! I made a tin shack! Look at its majesty! See how I scripted some hovering text over it! Delight in the posters I attached to the back! Nine prims, one object! It's a hobo palace I tell you!

Okay - it ain't much...but it's taught me a lot about positioning, stretching, rotating, linking, adding textures...and made me feel confident that I can now go on to bigger and better things.


Saturday, 3 January 2009

They're Going to Announce the New Doctor

They're going to announce the new Doctor in an hour. My SL IM window is pinging like a game of "pong" on amphetamines - Whovians in both RL and SL are in a state of near hysteria waiting for the news. Russell T Davies and Stephen Moffatt control us and they love it. Pah. Need to do something constructive or I'll get swept into the conspiracy theories.

I decide to look at someone else's travel guide and visit a few of their recommended sites. Samu Lorefield is one of my SL contacts, so I take his notecard from a nicely rezzed box on MUVEnation Island. I'm immediately impressed by the way he's actually managed to put clickable landmarks on his notecard rather than "longhand" SLURLS. Gold star to Samu! I click on the DELL Island link because my laptop's a DELL so I'm curious. After teleporting I am immediately struck by two questions: what's the point of the island and why does it feel like a generic small fishing village on the Amalfi coast? I really like the ambiance - and the way the island shape is based on the universal "power" icon. Indeed, aesthetcally there's a lot to like - but again, I need to ask what the point is? That's the thing with so many places in SL- and something I discussed with Uncle Writer before Christmas: people are obviously very skillful at rezzing so there's a ot of areas that bleed style over substance - but just don't really do anything. Just show the owner's rezzing prowess. Whoop de doo. I've already used, visited or recommended the other links on Samu's guide, so move to another.

The chestnut group's LifeArt Gallery link on Eduversa Island looks good and I spend some time looking at rez-based sculpture, and marvelling that there are some areas that really aren't designed for any purpose but DO work nonetheless. The island is German, so I don't fully understand all the texts available to me, though it seems to be a generic education area. Linked to the gallery is an area called "xyz" - an airborne sculpture garden enclosed in an "Eden Projectesqe" dome. Very zen - in an Escher / fractel / geometric way. I am immediately transfixed and sit for a while.

Back to MUVEnation - why are there loads of bizarre looking trees here? Which group is responsible for this and why? I take photos becasue they all look really cool - there seems to be some sort of purpose: to link to educational materials / areas / websites / web 2.0 tools that can be used in teaching in SL - each branch / twig forming a link. Can't fathom out the creepy tree with Feldmanesque eyes that follow me everywhere, but like it anyway! Must do more investigating...
Anyhow-Matt Smith is the new Doctor. Never heard of him. He's only 12. I think he could work though...