Monday, 18 January 2010

IMP Blog Post: How I use ILT in my Practice

I'm going to continue my blog with posts relating to the University of Plymouth IMP module I am enrolled on ("iLearn"), so this is a continuation of my experiences as a student, this time on a second ILT-based course. This also gives me a chance to kick-start this blog again, as it's been dormant for about 9 months! (I finished the MUVEnation course, so stopped using the blog and moved to "Posterous". BAD Bex!!!)

I'm still a Lead Teacher / Learning Technologist at Cornwall College's School of Education and Training and still teaching PTLLS, DTLLS and the Level 5 Diploma in Teaching English. Rather than write a lengthy (and possibly dull) narrative examining all the stuff I do that involves ICT and ILT, I'll do some bullet points:

  • Project Manager of Cornwall College Island in Second Life
  • About to deliver the first (ever I think) Initial Teacher Training course that uses web 2.0 applications like Flickr and Skype, cloud computing, moodle and Second Life and has no face-to-face content at all. This I think, will form the basis of my research paper: can teaching skills be taught in Second Life then transferred into as real life classroom by trainee teachers who have never met their tutor? We start in two weeks, so this blog should be a useful place to record what is happening!
  • Administrator for Cornwall College's moodle site, setting up courses for staff and delivering training (again to staff) at beginner and intermediate levels both face-to-face and using GotoMeeting
  • Run a PTLLS and the Level 5 Diploma in Teaching English as blended learning courses, with one third of the content delivered in the classroom and the remaining 2 thirds on moodle / Twitter
  • Deliver ICT / ILT training to staff to improve their personal ICT skills and think about how to use ILT effectively and imaginatively with their own students.
  • Also collaborating with the University of Glamorgan to develop electronic graphic novels as learning resources for HE students who find academic writing, referencing, research and study skills hard to get to grips with. I am hoping to develop an iPod Touch/ iPhone app. that will display these graphic novels aspart of this project...but need to learn Objective C and Cocoa programming in order to do this...(gulp)
I'll add to this post if anything else crops up or springs to mind, but for now I think that's it...