Saturday 28 March 2009


I haven't added anything to this blog for a few weeks. There have been quite a few developments, some good, some not so good, and time has run away with me. (I was at a conference a few days ago when I heard one of the speakers, when told that she only had 5 minutes left to wrap up, say "ah - time is hunting me" which has really stuck with me as a beautiful phrase).

Cornwall College Island has been taking up lots of time, to the detriment of the muvenation course. I've been keeping on top of the coursework and tasks, but extracurricula stuff such as weekly social meetings inworld, hanging out on muvenation island and working with fellow muvenationers at the VWBPE conference have had to go so that the college's island can start taking shape. I don't want to give up the course - I am finding it very useful and am still having a great time working through it- but at the moment at any rate, my Second Life priorities have changed.

Anyway...true to form, gotta go. Am trying to get to grips with holodeck scripts, so will add photos to this post when I've got my head around them...